
To All The Mummas In The World….

Mother’s Day Love with The Gypsy Mumma

To All The Mummas In The World….

Mother’s Day Love

So here’s the deal… It’s Mother’s Day in a couple of days and I just wanted to remind  all the Lady Boss Mummas, the Gypsy Mummas, the Tryhard Gangster Mummas, all the Mummas in the world, just how awesome you all are! 

It’s a post dedicated to you all because it’s Mother’s Day! It’s the one day that’s about us! So here’s my thoughts on being a Mumma in celebration of the day. 

This Mother’s Day post is for all the mummas out there having a crack at life. Don’t give up… Don’t give up on your dreams, your aspirations, your fitness, your goals…. Don’t give up on anything that sets your soul on fire. You were born to do great things, keep dreaming, keep striving towards them. Just because your a Mumma does not in anyway stop you from achieving them. Sure we have a little extra baggage, well maybe some more than others, but you’ve still got to dream, you’ve still got to let that imagination wonder. That’s what keeps us alive inside. That’s what’s being a Mumma is all about. Being the best we can be for your children and families. 

Life is way too short to be in a box. The box mentality does my head in. Mums can’t run a big business and be a mother successfully? Mothers can’t learn anything new? Mothers can’t be in the olympics? That’s bullshit! Don’t let society pop you in a box, ain’t nobody got time for that!! You can be and do whatever the hell you like! I couldnt care less if you suddenly decided to learn and teach tai chi in Germany, if it what makes you happy, go bloody do it! 

Being a mum is hard, real bloody hard at times. We juggle multiple jobs, give our kids love and attention, hold down the household (not to say men don’t) we do a lot. It messes with our heads…. often. We’re puffed, exhausted every night running through the to-do-list for tomorrow, trying to wind down from the day that’s been….. Scrabbling through life wondering when we’re going to catch a break. We’ve all been there, your not alone. You’re not super women. 

Don’t get me wrong, some Mummas really have their shit together, I’m definitely not one of them but I take my hat off to them, they impress me but most are like me. Winging our way through each day, some days dragging our feet, while others with a spring in our step and that’s ok. To be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Being a mum is pretty cool, we get rewarded with warm fuzzie cuddles and giggling gurts who bring sunshine to our days. We see how far they’ve come and what they’ve learnt over the years, things that WE have actually taught them. First moments that we’ll cherish forever, academic/sports achievements that rocked your socks off, every little boo boo that needed a kiss. 

We mounded them into young men and women who respect all walks of life and are finding out who they are. We’ve allowed them to find their souls and speak they’re truth. We’ve taught them that life gets hard but we still pick ourselves up and get on with it. They’ve learnt that not everyone is your friend, friends come and go and that’s ok. 

Who would have thought when you become a mum that you are their first teacher. It’s certainly not something that I realised when I was thinking of becoming pregnant. And then you have that moment, I know we’ve all had it, when they repeat a swear word you’ve said or told the person you’ve been bitching about what you really do think of him/her. Yep that moment is when you realise… Shit! These kids are sponges, who do I want to help them become?? Arghhhh!! Am I really the best person for this?? 

Being a mum is super bloody cool and by far one of the best jobs going around. So I’m totally shouting out all the mummas killing it at life, being true to their soul, respecting themselves and taking the time to care. Self love is key!! That’s what being an awesome Mumma is all about! 

Keep it real peeps! As you all know this is just my opinion, don’t take it as gospel, it’s just my thoughts and feelings on being a Mumma. 

Thanks for reading.

Love and Light

Kelley 😘😘

More parenting posts…. Open Letter to My Son | Open Letter to My Daughter

